

in ANNAHMEN UND ABSAGEN 17.07.2024 17:57
von Mirror of Souls | 89 Beiträge
Gruppierung Ministerium of Magic
Wesen god
Frei für nothing


should u stay or should u go?
Beneath the stormy seas Above the mountain peaks It's all the same to me It makes no difference

you want to let us know if yes or no?

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Tell me. do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls? They say it's the only time when our worlds intersects with theirs. The only time we can feel the lingering regrets of spirits who have left our world. That is why loneliness always pervades the hour of twilight

        keine Nachrichten an diesen account  •  leslie  aedan edwin sgaeyl

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.08.2024 17:17 | nach oben springen
lockDas Thema wurde geschlossen.

5 souls and 12 ghosts are currently present
Petr Novak, Saiph Hwang, Leslie Moon, Oscar Montgomery, Yasha Minamoto
“Tell me. do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls? They say it's the only time when our worlds intersects with theirs.”
164        1199

today were 12 ghosts present

today 5 souls traveled through the veil
Leslie Moon, Oscar Montgomery, Petr Novak, Saiph Hwang, Yasha Minamoto

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